Lord Dubs of Battersea
Lord Alf Dubs, was a member of the Broadcasting Standards Council between 1988 and 1994, and became Deputy Chairman in 1995, he also served as Deputy Chairman of the Broadcasting Standards Commission until 1997. Lord Dubs was, from 1997 until December 1999, Parliamentary Under-secretary of State, Northern Ireland Office. He has been Deputy Chairman of the Independent Television Commission since July 2000. Lord Dubs has spent much of his career in politics, both at local and national level. He was Member of Parliament for Battersea between 1979 and 1987. Between 1972 and 1977 Lord Dubs was Chairman of Westminster Community Relations Council and between 1988 and 1995 Director of the British Refugee Council.
Deputy Chairman
Suzanne Warner
Became Deputy Chairman on 1st January, 1998 and takes responsibility for oversight of standards work. She was Group Director of Government Relations for Cable and Wireless plc 1995 – 97. A past non-executive Director of South Thames Regional Health Authority and Broadmoor Hospital Authority. Formerly an adviser to the Deputy Chairman of British Telecom, Executive Director of Food from Britain and Secretary and acting Chairman of the Economic and Social Research Council. Registered Interests: Will become a pensioner of both BT and Cable and Wireless in August 2002.
David Boulton
Is a published author and an established broadcaster. A Former Head of News and Current Affairs at Granada Television, where he was also Head of both Arts and Drama documentaries. More recently, he was a broadcasting consultant, 1990-96. He is currently Editor of the quarterly religious magazine, Sea of Faith. Registered Interests: A pensioner of Granada Group Pension Scheme.
Uday Dholakia
Uday is Senior Partner at Global Consulting UK Ltd. Previously he was a Member of Central Television’s Regional Advisory Council, 1993-95. Since 1995 he has been a Trustee of the National Employment Policy Institute and in 1997 he became a Member of the East Midlands Electricity Consumer Committee. He is Director of the Westminster African Caribbean Business Initiative and was elected Vice President of the Small Business Bureau in 1998. Uday is also a Member of the Leicestershire Probation Board. No registered interests.
Geoff Elliott
Geoff has spent most of his career in journalism. He is currently Head of Journalism at the University of Central Lancashire, Preston. Between 1994 – 96 he was a Member of The Press Complaints Commission. A Member of the Press Complaints Editors’ Code Committee 1991-94 and a Member of the Press Council 1987–90.
Registered Interests: Has a preserved pension fund in Johnston Press plc.
Strachan Heppell CB
Before joining the Commission in 1996, Strachan held various senior Civil Service posts both within the United Kingdom and in Hong Kong. He was Deputy Secretary, and the Department of Health 1983-95, and Social Security Adviser to the Hong Kong Government in 1977. He is a Member of the management board of the European Medicines Evaluation Agency and Chairman of Family Fund Trust. Currently he is a Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics.
No registered interests.
The Right Reverend Richard Holloway
Richard was Bishop of Edinburgh between 1986 and October 2000. He was elected Primus, Scottish Episcopal Church in 1992. He has spent most of his career associated with the Church. He has held a number of positions including the Chair of the BMA Steering Group on Ethics and Genetics. A former Chair of the International Anglican Family Network, and between 1990 and 1997 was a Member of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority. He is currently a Trustee of the Waverley Care Trust. He has been a reviewer and writer for the Guardian, Scotsman, Herald, Times, Independent and a frequent presenter on radio and television. He has written a number of books.
No registered interests.
The Rev Rose Hudson-Wilkin
Rose is a Church of England Vicar at All Saints in Haggerston, North London. She was a Member of the General Synod between 1995-98. Previously Rose was a presenter for Central Television and a Member of the ITC’s Midlands Viewer Consultative Committee.
No registered interests.
Maggie Redfern
Following a career in broadcasting, Maggie became a teacher of English and Media Studies at a London school in 1994. Previously she spent over 10 years at the BBC in a variety of roles including producer and senior producer on Radio 4, and Chief Publicity Officer at BBC Radio. She has acted as a consultant to the Home Office Urban Development Unit and researched and wrote reports and publications for the National Consumer Council.
No registered interests.
Sally O’Sullivan
Has been Chief Executive of Cabal Communications since 1998. Previously she was Deputy Editor of Woman’s World (1977-78), and Women’s Editor, Daily Record (1980). More recently she was Editor for various top level magazines including; ‘She’ (1989), ‘Harpers and Queens’ (1989-91) and Editor-in-Chief, ‘Homes and Gardens’ (1996-98). More recently Cabal Communications has launched it’s own lads magazine ‘Front’. She is a non-executive Director of London Transport and Anglian Water, and a Member of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics and the Advisory Council on the mis-use of drugs.
Registered Interests: Shareholdings (of less than 1%) in Reed International, BT, News International and Cable and Wireless. A Mirror Group pensioner. Chief Executive of Cabal Communications.
Requirements of Registered Interests
The Broadcasting Standards Commission has agreed that Members and Senior Staff, and their partners, may not hold more than 1% of FTSE listed communications companies, including broadcasting companies. They are required to register their interests if they hold less than 1% in any relevant privately held company falling within the same categories.
Similarly, they are required to register whether they are pensioners of any publicly quoted communications company and declare any other interest which might represent a potential conflict of interest.